Mon to Fri: 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Improving your smile doesn’t have to cost the earth

In some cases a few simple composites bonded to the teeth will do wonders, other times a more detailed plan is required.

Cosmetic dentistry means dentistry performed purely for the reason of improving a smile. Up until recently the methods used to improve people’s teeth were, in the view of LifeSmiles dentists, very destructive. Often patients would be told they were going to have veneers placed and these were termed “porcelain fingernails. However, the reality was that, in order to “straighten” the teeth, far more tooth tissue had to be removed to gain the desired effect.

Nowadays, good cosmetic dentistry is a real art. Sometimes, the simplest thing, such as the addition of composite filling material to blend in with a few teeth will change someone’s smile. Other times, we need to do far more. The secret is in the consultation and the planning. The secret to getting it right is to take your views fully into account, allowing you to choose the right plan for you and your budget.

Here at LifeSmiles, we see teeth as being very precious. This means that, instead of damaging teeth to get a straight, white, even smile, we tend to use the following sequence (however, we don’t always have to utilise all three steps):

  • Straighten
  • Whiten
  • Bond composite to do the finishing touches, known by some as the “mini smile makeover”.

We use what we believe to be the best techniques and methods to do this, including: